The progressive retirement scheme: an interesting end-of-career HR tool

What are the conditions for benefiting from progressive retirement:

  • have reached the legal retirement age reduced by two years, without being able to be under 60;
  • prove of a duration of insurance and recognized equivalent periods of up to 150 quarters under the general scheme and, where applicable, under one or more other compulsory schemes;
  • justify a proportion of working time that cannot be less than 40% and more than 80% of the full time applicable within the company.

How to set it up:

An application form for progressive retirement must be completed by the employee, accompanied by supporting documents (in particular the new part-time employment contract concluded with the employer) and sent to the administration.

What’s the point?

Eligible employees can reduce their working hours and receive, in return, a fraction of their old-age pension (between 20% and 60% of the old-age pension, depending on the reduction in work applied , which can range from 80 to 60% of the working time applicable in the company).